Body Mod

A Short Background on Body Mods

skull hands neck ladyWhat is a body modification? It can be defined as “anything to alter the appearance of any aspect of one’s body.” There are two types of body modification; permanent and non-permanent. A lot of what we do every day would be considered non-permanent, such as coloring our hair, piercings, makeup, and even body building. A permanent body modification would be things such as implants, cutting your nipples off, anything that a plastic surgeon does, or even a three quarter sub incision, which makes your penis look like a hotdog after it has been in the microwave too long. Why anyone would do that is beyond me, but each person’s perspective of what the extreme is just that, a person’s perception.

Basically, where I may draw the line that a tattoo is my extreme, “Joe Snuffy” may say his extreme is cutting off an ear. If you noticed, I did not mention tattoos as permanent or non-permanent because tattoos ride the cusp of the categories. While most say tattoos are permanent, they can be removed. I consider mine to be permanent. A good source for more info on body modification is to watch “Modify”, which is a documentary film by Jason Gary and Greg Jacobson. Modify dives into everything included in body modification, but the warning I give is that it is very graphic and not for any dude or dudet with a weak stomach. If you really want to learn about modification this is a great documentary to watch, though.

Written by : Mudflap

Edited by : Aaron Bayne