An Outdoor Foot Fetish

When it comes to hiking or backpacking, there is no more important body part than your feet. The get you to where you need to go, they keep you from falling off of cliffs, and help you stay upright when crossing streams, creeks, and rivers. It is one aspect that many people overlook. When taking part in any outdoor activity, proper footgear should always be worn. Toe-shoes are NOT the proper footgear for hiking and camping. So to help all you nature lovers, I have compiled a list of some of the best hiking/backpacking shoes and boots, based on several aspects; comfort, stability, weight, warmth, and water-resistance.

There are several classifications we will look at: Trail, Hiking, Backpacking, and Mountaineering.

boots1Kayland Track Gore-Tex Hiking Shoes

First up is an excellent pair of trail hiking shoes. These flexible hiking shoes by Kayland have an incredible amount of grip for casual trails. The insole is cushioned and comfy, while the outsole is durable and provides a lot of traction. Since they are Gore-Tex, they are waterproof. That’s right; no more wet feet! These Kaylands have a mesh upper construction, which allows your feet to breathe. This means less blistering! Plus, this shoe has a rubber toe rand which keeps your toes protected from jutting rocks and other low-rising hazards.

boots2Adidas Outdoor AX 1 Mid Leather Hiking Boots

Adidas is a brand that you are probably familiar with, especially if you plan any kind of competitive sport. They make everything from golfing shoes to soccer and football cleats. Finally, this world-renowned brand is making a really awesome boot. The AX 1 series is a great, durable hiking boot, which is also affordable. The mid-height construction makes this boot great for more of a rugged trail hike, due to the extra ankle support. If you are planning to have a load on your back on a rocky, uneven trail, these are the boots for you. The lightweight midsole makes hiking a breeze in these boots. The grip is quite incredible, and the comfort is better than expected every time you put them on. You can get this boot in waterproof or non-waterproof options.

boots3Danner Crater Rim GTX Hiking Boots

Yes, I know the name of these boots says “hiking boots”, but these bad boys are built for the backwoods. These Danners are designed for extended backpacking trips, and they won the 2012 Gear of the Year award from Outside Magazine. Equipped with a full wrap-around rubber rand, nylon linings, and a torsional fiberglass shank make this boot one of the best for real backpacking. They are comfy, light, and rugged; everything a man could ask for. Generally, this type of boot requires a good amount of break-in time, so buy and wear them before your big backpacking trip this summer. Also, in my opinion, they offer the most outsole grip than any other boot in the backpacking class.

boots4Scarpa Mont Blanc GTX Mountaineering Boots

When it comes to mountaineering boots, there are very few brands you should even consider. Scarpa is one of those brands. Scarpa engineers their boots to handle the most extreme terrain you can find. As a matter of fact, it is a brand that many professionals consider, when they look at tackling Mt. Everest. The Mont Blanc GTX boot provides a lacing system that keeps natural movement up and unnatural movement down. This means they are as if you had mountaineering feet, rather than boots. They do all the normal moisture-wicking and waterproofing you would expect from a true rugged, outdoors boot, but they offer something more. The lightweight Vibram outsole provides more traction than most other boots could dream of offering.

When it comes to hiking boots, of any class, be sure to break them in and treat them properly. Your feet are your most valuable physical asset in the great outdoors, so care for them properly!

Written and edited by: Aaron Bayne

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